John Henry Cardinal Newman was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in Cofton Park, Birmingham, on 19 September 2010.
This great Victorian Catholic theologian, much loved the world over, was declared “Blessed”. The miracle required for Cardinal Newman’s beatification was officially recognised by the Holy See on 3 July 2009.
Why beatify Newman and what is his 'saintly' contribution to the Catholic Church and her teachings?
Jack Sullivan, a 69-year old Permanent Deacon from Marshfield near Boston, Massachusetts, was suffering from an extremely serious spinal disorder when he first prayed through the intercession of Cardinal Newman.
On 3 July 2009, Pope Benedict XVI recognised the healing of Deacon Jack Sullivan in 2001 as a miracle resulting from the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God John Henry Newman.
Controversy dogged Newman's Catholic years as it had his time as an Anglican, yet a latent recognition of his sanctity continued