
Pope Benedict XVI's biography from his birth in 1927 through to his election as the 265th Successor of St Peter on 19 April 2005.

Also in Pope Benedict XVI

Becoming a Pope > Key Teachings >
Benedict XVI: 1927 - 1953

Pope Benedict XVI's biography covering his early years from 1927 - 1953.

Benedict XVI: 1954 - 1972

Pope Benedict XVI's biography covering the years from 1954 - 1972.

Benedict XVI: 1973 - 1977

Pope Benedict XVI's biography covering the years from 1973 - 1977.

Benedict XVI: 1977 - 1981

Pope Benedict XVI's biography covering the years from 1977 - 1981.

Benedict XVI: 1981 - 2005

Pope Benedict XVI's biography covering the years from 1981 - 2005.